Established in 2013, Mayumi Origami jewellery is designed with high quality Japanese Washi paper and sophisticated Origami shapes. Each piece is carefully folded and finished with varnish, allowing the jewellery to be water resistant.
The distinguished aspect of Mayumi Origami jewellery is due to the combination of the unique style and the impeccable quality of the folding process.
Current Stockists:
British Museum - Permanent CollecSon Shop, London, UK
Orient Museum Shop, Lisbon, PT
Berardo Museum Shop, Lisbon, PT
CRU Conceptual Shop, Porto, PT
Temporary Stockists
(March 2019) The Cleveland Museum of Art, US - as part of the exhibition "Shinto: Discovery of the Divine in Japanese Art"
(2015) The Louisiana Art and Science Museum, US - as part of the exhibition “Folding Paper: The Infinite PossibiliSes of Origami”.
Catalog available at: